Hike rules

Hike rules





Dear hiking traveler! Being on a hike is associated with the following factors: presence in public transport and public places with a large crowd of people, communication with various people (both with outsiders and with group members), the use of common items, cash, etc. According to the temporary methodological recommendations "Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019)", data on the epidemiological characteristics of the new coronavirus infection COVID-2019 are limited. Currently, the main source of infection is a sick person, including those in the incubation period of the disease. The incubation period is from 2 to 14 days. Ways of transmission of infection: airborne (when coughing, sneezing, talking), airborne dust and contact. Transmission factors: Air, food and household items contaminated with COVID-2019. The new coronavirus infection caused by COVID-2019 is characterized by the presence of clinical symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection.

The tour guide will take all necessary measures to minimize the risk of contracting the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019). Unfortunately, at the moment, the most effective measure to combat the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) is the self-isolation regime.

Going on a hike, you take on all the risks associated with the possible infection of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) yourself or other participants in the hike, as well as the onset of administrative or criminal liability. Be careful, take care of yourself and follow current guidelines to prevent the spread and infection of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019).



Persons who do not have medical contraindications and age restrictions are allowed to participate in this type of hike.

The participant must first of all independently assess the risks to his health in this type of trip and inform the guide about the existing contraindications.

Minors are allowed to participate in the hike only if accompanied by adults.


The participants of the hike are strictly prohibited from using any alcoholic beverages and psychotropic substances.

Participants are obliged to follow all the instructions, requirements and recommendations of the guide, while participating in the hike, even if their opinion contradicts the opinion of the guide. In case of refusal to sign the safety information sheet, follow the instructions of the instructor, the participant is considered to have left the group and continues the hike as an individual tourist.

Participants are required to have with them the things, equipment, comfortable clothes and shoes that do not restrict movement and that are appropriate for the season and weather, necessary and suitable for participation in this particular type of hike.

The participant is obliged to notify the guide about his knowledge, skills and abilities to participate in this type of hike with active modes of movement. If the participant of the hike did not inform the guide about his knowledge, skills and abilities to participate in this type of hike, the participant of the hike bears all responsibility for possible negative consequences.

Participants are required to carefully study these rules before the start of the hike, in case of any questions, ask them to the guide before starting the hike.

During the entire hike, it is prohibited to:

      Store, transport, produce, buy and consume alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances;

  Climb and climb over the installed fences;

Approach the edges of lakes, rivers, cliffs, except for cases provided for by the need for a hike and a direct indication of the guide;

  Climb trees, rocks and other dangerous objects, both natural and man-made;

  Store, transport, buy or manufacture and use weapons, as well as other items, careless handling of which may harm its owner or other participants in the hike;

Store, transport, buy or manufacture and use poisonous, explosive and flammable substances, except for means specially designed for making a fire (fuel such as "dry alcohol" and the like);

  Engage in hunting, poaching, harvesting or collecting plants, other objects of flora and fauna;

  To thrust the limbs of the body, including the head, into various holes, crevices, holes, etc., as well as into mechanisms and other items of a technical device;

Destroy or damage trees, shrubs, plants, mosses, as well as other objects of flora and fauna;

  Take actions that interfere with the rest of other travel participants or dangerous to the health and life of others, including provoking conflict situations, or supporting their development within the hiking group or between travel participants and local residents or other vacationers;

When meeting wild and domestic animals, including snakes and insects, teasing or trying to catch them, take pictures. To touch poisonous, stinging or other dangerous for health and unfamiliar insects, fish and animals;

  Walking without shoes, clothes, except for places where wearing shoes is prohibited or not provided;

  Touch with hands and eat dangerous for health or unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms, fish, birds, animals, insects and other "gifts of nature";

Violate traffic rules and other laws of the state;

  Self-medicate, use folk remedies and cosmetology, made independently, such as herbal tinctures, insect bites (ants, wasps, etc.), medicinal ointments from various herbs and minerals, etc.;

  Destroy, damage, leave any marks, break off pieces from monuments of nature and architecture;

Move away from the group and the guide, move parallel to the group by alternative paths chosen independently, or move in front of the group, leaving considerable distances and losing sight of the group. Carry out political, religious or other propaganda activities;

  Violate public order and silence;

Perform any actions associated with a risk to the life and health of both their own and other members of the group, including taking "selfies" and other shooting in dangerous places and poses;

  Carelessly and carelessly treat your own equipment and equipment and the belongings of other group members, use equipment and things in violation of the rules of operation;

  Be in dangerous natural objects such as swamps, quicksand, etc.;

Use unmanned aerial vehicles, hidden video cameras and other devices for obtaining secret information, for taking photos and videos;

  Eat expired products, food leftovers or products that could be adversely affected by the environment, the storage and transportation conditions of which could be violated;

  Drink water of unknown quality, including water from questionable sources;

Sawing or chopping wood without the supervision of a guide and without the appropriate skills;

  Make a fire in places that are not agreed with the guide and methods that are dangerous for people and the environment, throw foreign objects into the fire that are not intended to kindle and maintain a fire;

  Leave the fire, food and other essential objects unattended, leave the fire smoldering or burning after leaving the place;

Be around the fire in flammable, unsuitable clothing or shoes, do not keep a safe distance from the fire, be around the fire without shoes;

  Leaving the camp without warning the guide, leaving the camp one by one;

  Leave the group without warning the guide, leave the group one by one;

  Be in the area of ​​possible falling of inclined, rotten or other trees, as well as be in the area of ​​other sources of danger, especially when the wind is strong;

Be in an area where stones or other objects hazardous to health may fall;

  Throw stones and other objects that may cause damage from the slope;

Swimming takes place only with the permission of the guide. Swimming is allowed only in the place indicated by the guide. It is forbidden to jump into the water (from the shore, from the pier, from the tree, etc.).

In the event of circumstances in which the guide cannot independently make decisions and manage the further activities of the group, it is necessary to stay in place and report the incident to the telephone number of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service - 112. Wait for further instructions.

Throughout the trip, participants must:

Observe this safety precautions;

  Move along the route in the order established by the guide;

  Immediately report any noticed danger to the guide and group members;

  On a sunny day, wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun, and also use sunburn cream and hygienic lipstick. To independently monitor the temperature regime that is comfortable for yourself, avoiding overheating or hypothermia;

  Observe safety rules in specific natural and weather conditions;

Have with you the necessary supply of drinking water and observe a comfortable drinking regime for yourself;

  Avoid scuffing of the legs, immediately inform the guide about their occurrence. Immediately report the slightest signs of any other illness or ailment to the instructor and leave the route to seek qualified assistance;

  Examine yourself regularly for ticks and other insect bites. Independently use repellents and other personal protective equipment;

  Observe fire safety rules;

  Observe the rules of personal hygiene;

Observe the rules of the road and the use of transport;

  Be independently responsible and supervise children who travel with you, as well as their compliance with this safety precautions;

  Be independently responsible for the safety of all their belongings, documents, funds and other personal items;

  Carry with you the medications recommended by the doctor, necessary for personal use, and replenish their stock in a timely manner. In case of a shortage of drugs and the impossibility of replenishment, immediately inform the instructor about this and withdraw from the route. Medicines must be kept out of the reach of other participants;

Remember and do not neglect safety precautions and fire safety when you are near containers with gasoline or other flammable substances;

  When using the services of third-party organizations or individuals during a hike (excursions, transfers, etc.), be aware that the organizations providing them are responsible for these services, and therefore independently make sure of the safety of the services provided and provide themselves with appropriate guarantees ...

  In case of vision problems, provide yourself with suitable technical means, according to the doctor's recommendation (glasses, lenses).

Before starting the hike, the guide will offer you to sign a sheet of familiarization with these rules, by signing which you unconditionally accept these rules and undertake to abide by them.


Final provisions of safety precautions and rules of conduct during the hike:


Remember that you are not the only member of the group, the instructor cannot always be with you, cannot force you to do something, or vice versa - not do something, cannot keep track of all the participants of the hike at the same time. There are many unpredictable situations in life in which you need to rely primarily on yourself. Your life, health and safety during the hike are only in your hands, and the instructor can only help you.

Have a nice and safe trip! Be prudent and take care of yourself and the people around you!